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maandag 12 december 2011

"Silly, gay and stupid". A policeman's thesaurus? I hope not.

'Silly, gay and stupid': Police inspector's extraordinary outburst at boy, 15, as he used anti-terror law to stop him from taking pictures at military parade

Worth listening to the video at the end of this. I'm sure there are some great police officers out there and I've met some amazing ones, but too often (not most of the time, but too often for my liking) I see members of the police force that fit into this strange category of personality (see video for what I'm talking about). They should not be allowed to do their job.

Not only are they nowhere near smart enough (as the basic vocabulary of the officer on the recording suggests, coupled with his inability to justify his actions), but their presence suggests the force is desperate to attract recruits (which I don't believe they would be THAT desperate). I think it more likely to be that some undesirables routinely slip through net of the so-called "psychological" tests. I mean, just look at my last post on the Stanford Prison Experiment and that creepy policeman in riot gear in California.

One thing is for sure, compensation for the boy and an apology isn't enough. Unnecessary maltreatment with an unashamed homophobic tone cannot be tolerated - this police officer should have been sacked.